Project / Spark office
Year / 2020
Plot / 263 sq. m
Location / Paupys, Vilnius

The „SPARK“ office is a subtle, aesthetic yet modern in it‘s existance place with mature and well-deserved courage. The dark color palette provided by natural materials: lush wood, concrete ceilings and black openwork with blue accents, took the right place in this project. The overall result gave the office cozy solidness and made a good counterbalance for the brightness of the building. The exceptional environment of the „Paupis“ square as well as there preveiling aura dictated the needfulness for cozy interior. Eye-catching and exclusive details, unique color solutions and stylish accents found the right place in the office. The client‘s desire to plan the office by standarts determined the layout, which contains separate work and rest areas, offices for teamleaders and spacious private stuff workplaces.