Project / Pernod Ricard Lithuania office
Year / 2016
Plot / 400 sq. m
Location / Duetto, Vilnius

The main task while creating the interior of the Pernord Ricard office was a clear division of the spaces into private ones for work and more open ones used for beverage presentations. This division also determined the choice of different colour combinations and interior accents for each space. The serious workspace area is bright. It is dominated by white and the wood that covers the walls as well as floor. Meanwhile, in the entertainment area dark blue, bright yellow and turquoise, concrete material prevail. In order to fully emphasize the work and entertainment areas, two different types of lighting have been selected for them. The spaces requiring concentration are equipped with work, functional lighting, and leisure space – with decorative lighting. One of the main accents of the office is beverage bottles like works of art hanging throughout the office. Special lighting that highlights them draws attention and gives charm.